Quotes for artist explained- Marcus Aurelius

Quotes for artist explained- Marcus Aurelius

Subject: Art quotes.

-Subject: Art quotes.

Words are powerful tools since our life is made up of thoughts in our heads, Today we’d look at some quotes from Marcus Aurelius and see how could they be applied to art, Every time I read them in my life they mean something different hopefully I can translate them to you or at least offer some other directions of thinking for your enjoyment.

1. “Begin, - to begin is half the work, let half still remain ; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished.” I remember how scared I was when I was just trying out digital painting, I was used to the traditional pen and paper, I was thinking too much, Then I forced myself to begin, to draw on the tablet that feels so strange to me then something clicked that day, Then I try to start another day, then slowly I got myself used to digital painting, Same goes to painting with gouache now, having the experience before I know I just have to start enough times then soon I will be on my way.

2. “Treat whatever happens as wholly natural ; not novel or hard to deal with, but familiar and easily handled.” This is talking about framing your problems, When I encounter a question in tattooing or painting I used to freak out about it and make it bigger then it is. Instead I just need to treat it as normal and treat it like a friend, of cause art questions pop up when you are doing art, get to know them and they will be easy with you, Oh it;s my buddy values! I’d handle you as always no need to make a show about it.

3. “The more we value things outside our control, the less control we have.” Have you ever taken your comments to your art too much, It starts to become other people’s piece of work, sometime listening to advice is good but there are times you just need to ignore the people and get back the control of your art work.

This three certainly will fill my thinking time for the day, hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Keep growing,


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