Acting on the problem is ten times easier then thinking about it.


Subject: Action vs Thinking.


Today’s story came from a little issue I had, I am doing some painting at home yet most of my work look very muddy, I tried to get some pure color from the tube but yet after awhile they all turn muddy again. Then I started to think it’s because the water container is too small, So the cleaning water got dirty too quick. Then my mind started to think what if it’s not the water? Is it my skill? Is it the way I mix colors? All the way to how bad I am at art. Then I caught myself. After spending like 30 mins depressed. ‘How about we just change a bigger water container then we start from there?’ Then I changed to a bigger one in 2 mins and my problems are solved. I know this might be common sense and not worth sharing yet I’ve encountered something similar the same day.

I was in line for some food yet the place was loaded and it requires 30 mins (around 20 actually) for your food, The man in front of me has a huge reaction ‘30 mins? This is insane! ‘Then he walked away. Then I ordered my food and sat down to wait. Then after I got my food I saw the same guy and his wife sitting next to me. It seems that they are on their phone all the time looking for where else they could go get food that is quicker. Then they both left saying ‘30 mins! insane!’ I sat down and eat my food while watching them leave the place.

It’s no joke that old wisdom tells us the problems are bigger in our minds. It’s a great lesson for me to always act on the problem at once with less thinking, Then if it doesn't work try something different. Have you caught yourself in situations like this? Let me know in the comments, I read all of them.

Take care,


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