Daily art food.

Daily art food.

Art advice from Marcus Aurelius.

-Subject: Art advice from Marcus Aurelius.

You know what, Art is taxing to the brain and body, After doing tattooing and painting yesterday I’ve fainted until now, But it’s no excuse to not get today’s blog in. Today more goodies from Marcus.

1.”A man must stand erect, not be kept erect by others.”

What I get from this one is posture, I’ve had back problems before I have invested in a gaming chair now. Also be aware of how are you drawing, I tend to lean very in which is not good for my back. Try to catch yourself doing it and sit up straight, You will more more time drawing in the future if you start looking after it.

2.”Dwell on the beauty of life.Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”

When you run out of ideas you can always look for it from the best copyright-free resource which is nature. Also not only seeing it but feeling it and try to communicate that feeling with your work.

3.”Concentrate on what you have to do. Fix your eyes on it.Remind yourself that your task is to be a good human being.”

I was huge on multitask, thinking I can do a few things well in little time. But yet the quality of my work become very poor, Now I even switch off music when I work. I am able to invest more into the work this way. And I can see there’s more soul in my work. Try switching off the music.

That’s the daily fix today, Simple words but is able to create huge power if applied all together.

Keep growing,


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