Inking skulls part 2.


Subject: Inking

I’ve been messing with ink lately, you can find the story about my set up and story here.

So I’m trying to get good with inking, So I’d like to share my efforts today with you.


Set up today is just one value(black ink 100%) And a no.6 brush(Japan size, it’s like a 2 or 3 for western brush) I use dry brush effects to show the values changing.

This one is inking over a wash I did awhile ago, filling in the darkest dark and thinking about forms. Was looking at reference a bit when I was doing the under wash.


This face is 100% from imagination. I think I could do better in the brow area instead of just a line. Will try other ways to show the form change next time.

Studying from reference from a new angle. I think I can make the left side darker and also pushing the shadow on the forehead to dark seems not to be the beat idea. Also not so good on the lower jaw, It looks too round to me. Will try to communicate the form instead of what I see next time.

Hope you enjoyed the little sharing and learn something today, Have a great day!


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