
-Subject: character design.

Welcome to part two of the medusa idol design, Today I will sort out my ideas for the talisman, equipment and logo. Hopefully will be entertaining for you, let’s go.(Yes my sketchy sketch looks very bad haha.) I got a lot of ideas from her original story. I suggest looking it up online so we are on the same page.

Equipment. From Medusa’s story she will give birth to pegasus the flying horse. And I wanted an instrument that she could play. So I came up with this giant artifact harp named pegasus. I wanted it to be both a weapon, a ride for her and able to play music itself. So I’ve broken the form into two shapes that could look like a gun in some angles. That protects her and play music for her. I’d like to think that the soul of pegasus has traveled time to be with her mother.(Time travel is actually a thing in greek mythology.)


Talisman: The talisman she found would be the soul of pegasus . So I’d like to design it with a horse shape or at least have horse elements for it.

logo: In her story she was raped by sea god poseidon, and athena didn’t help,instead changed her beautiful hair into snakes, So for the logo design it will be expressing her hate for these two gods. The trident, poseidon’s weapon will be penetrating athena’s skull.


That’s it for today, comments are welcome.



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