What makes a good tattoo: The 3 levels of viewing distance.

What makes a good tattoo: The 3 levels of viewing distance.

-from the recently arranged desk of Dinlee

-Subject: 3 viewing distance of a tattoo piece.

If you break it down a ‘good’ tattoo is a collection of marks made on the skin which reads as a picture which could be experienced by the viewer’s eyes and process with the brain, A good tattoo traps the eye in it’s narrative and rewards the viewer with more information if you look closer

The fundamentals of Art & Tattooing.

The fundamentals of Art & Tattooing.

from the messy art desk of dinlee.

Subj- The fundamentals of Art & Tattooing.

If you are taking tattooing seriously you have to understand the importance of art fundamentals. Artist are like the graphics are in your PC, training and building up your fundamentals will upgrade you as a graphics card to GTX-ARTMASTER and allow you to ‘render’ higher quality art. The old masters or your favorite did them for years and years, and it also unlocks your path to the next level very fast.